Friday, 16 September 2011


One of me favourite quotes comes from the famous theological father, Saint Iraneus. He said, 'That the glory of God is man, fully alive!'

When I first read this sentence my heart literally leapt and connected so deeply with what he was saying. It was at a time in my life when I felt 'dead'. I had just moved to London and having no job, had a lot of free time, which was actually becoming dull and I felt far from alive. From that moment on, I felt compelled to live and give more to others as I felt up until that point of arriving in London, particularly the previous months before, I had been solely focused on myself, my finances, my dreams, my hopes, and my fears. So here I was, vowing to be a man fully alive and I so wanted to give God the glory through my life.
Since then, the importance of connecting with others and loving them has truly been revealed to me. Imparting what God has given me and been revealed is something I am learning to place of utmost importance in my daily life as I feel this truly does glorify God, His faithfulness and goodness. But it can be exhausting!

And because of this exhaustion to love others is hard sometimes, especially when you feel like you may be not even be loved yourself some days. You can left feeling, 'How can I love others when I am feeling so lonely myself?'

And this leads me to my next revelation. Being alive is not purely about being active and perfect and doing and serving and loving others and being super-hyper joyful ALL.THE.TIME - uh! That is unrealistic. It all comes back to His grace and living in that as our absolute identity. His grace was a gift through his death so that we might be alive. Yes, we have eternal life now but there is more to it!
It is here that the another depth of the St. Iraneus quote has been unveiled to me. Being alive is birthed on the inside, with the heart and knowing, truly, what has been given, accepting that gift and wearing it like a treasured necklace, daily.

'My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart for they will give you a long and satisfying life.
Never let loyalty and kindness get away from you! Wear them like a necklace; write them deep within your heart.' - Proverbs 3

Let the fuel that keeps you alive in Him and for Him, resonate from a heart that truly knows His commands and accepts His grace, for today. Not just for heaven.

Life is so much more energised, exciting and alive when you accept his Grace and wear it. It gives you the sustenance to go on, love others, serve His kingdom and do the things that we love to do.

Life is not about just the eternal. It is here and now.


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