Friday, 15 October 2010

The Road Less Taken

And so it begins. I have set my coordinates for a two year adventure that only God himself has seen and he himself has walked before me. It is a journey; one of inconceivable occurrences, awakenings, disappointments, loneliness, mistakes and glimpses of beauty that make all the hardships worth the strength needed to overcome them. It is journey; a vessel of self discovery where emotion is to be embraced and addictions and false-loves are to be drawn unto the light where a refining takes place.

This time away will be what it is to be. From here, what is needed for the road ahead is remembrance, hope and faith.
Remembrance of what has already been given to me and what treasures I already have stored within. Hope in that the story is good and He is good. Faith to daily seek rest along this road. In doing so, desire and passion remain awake and they will be fuel for road.

I have started re-reading a book called the Sacred Romance by John Eldridge. Eldridge is more famously known for Wild At Heart and Captivated but his earlier work has to be his hidden treasure. It has guided me since arriving in London, and been a teacher and mentor through many a cold London afternoon, with me cooped up in the corner, sipping espresso at the petite French abode, the Sable D'or. I am so glad I broke my rule of not re-reading a book unless it has been five years since I last read it, because it has been this second time that the words have become a life-blood to me and the scriptures used invaluable to where I am at in this wilderness.

So I blame it's influence on my perspective of  life being a road but it seems the best way for my mind to understand my heart!

I found this illustration which I like to imagine shows where I am at in the journey. Mary Kollman's painting 'The Road Less Travelled' is an example of my road to be travelled. It's use of colour truly depicts the emotion of a journey and taking the narrow path - one that on first appearances is not the most appealing. The gloominess of the steel grey landscape and the coldness of the asphalt path create a sense of hardship and bitterness. However, if there were promises of oases along the way and glimpses of beauty that cannot be seen along any other road, could you not take it? One chooses this path, in understanding that the journey is up and down but the destination is good because the one who has walked it before is good. The yellow haze on the horizon strongly signifies this, eluding to the promise of a prized destination, wherever and whenever that may be. It evokes in me a belief that I would rather live a life on beauty and disappointment than one of neutral emotion and effort.

From here on in, I will post things I feel  are reflective of the hopes and mistakes of my own journey. The glimpses of beauty that make it all worthwhile and the things that challenge me to back-peddle in my tracks.

It truly is an exciting thought to be going on a journey, personal wilderness, and it's something that my structured brain, I guess, is learning to love.  With, of course, the daily submission to my heart. There is no formula for this one, just me and the people, places and things I will meet and see!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful place to be Ben, one of many excitting twists and turns... I love your passion inside and see your heart burning with a flame of hope for the road ahead.... it is never easy this journey we are on called life, but the beauty of what happens to our hearts and spirit is worth all the pain of travelling... God bless you cous' your a rare gem!!! Netty xxx
